紙の本の価格: | ¥2,053 |
割引: | ¥ 1,651 (80%) |
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Kindle 価格: | ¥402 (税込) |
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Blue Mist Cafe: A collection of short stories (English Edition) Kindle版
"Upstairs is where the magic happens – if you let it. Upstairs is where the books are. More than a thousand second hand books in a multitude of dizzying colours."
Blue Mist Café is a book of short stories and some poems tied together by the goings on in the café. On the ground floor there is the proprietor who works the coffee machine while he expresses his opinion on any subject, fortunately with a broad humour. There are two floors. The top one is stacked high with thousands of books and, it is said, a ghost that minds them. It is at table fifteen upstairs where A. C. Llewellyn finds her stories. They are memories from her long life, tales told her by friends and family, cosmological thoughts and the occasional enchantment of the books on the café shelves. Between the stories there is the breather of a short poem – well – most of them are short.
Blue Mist Café is a book of short stories and some poems tied together by the goings on in the café. On the ground floor there is the proprietor who works the coffee machine while he expresses his opinion on any subject, fortunately with a broad humour. There are two floors. The top one is stacked high with thousands of books and, it is said, a ghost that minds them. It is at table fifteen upstairs where A. C. Llewellyn finds her stories. They are memories from her long life, tales told her by friends and family, cosmological thoughts and the occasional enchantment of the books on the café shelves. Between the stories there is the breather of a short poem – well – most of them are short.
- ASIN : B00X51AMJ0
- 出版社 : MoshPit Publishing (2015/5/4)
- 発売日 : 2015/5/4
- 言語 : 英語
- ファイルサイズ : 6540 KB
- 同時に利用できる端末数 : 無制限
- Text-to-Speech(テキスト読み上げ機能) : 有効
- X-Ray : 有効にされていません
- Word Wise : 有効
- 本の長さ : 202ページ
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