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Kingdom of Lions (English Edition) Kindle版
The Kingdom of Lions follows the Godwyn family in the 12th century England, during a time of intrigue, mystery, love and honour. The scene is a medieval castle surrounded in a mist laden landscape with interesting characters affected by troubling times with rumours of wars and marriage arrangements that arise to dictate the state of holy matrimony.
Gwendolyn Godwyn is the youngest of the Godwyn clan, a medieval tomboy who loves horses and hounds and shooting from a crossbow. Her outright opinions about everything and her loyal cause to the animal kingdom get her in trouble from time to time. And why did that Welsh Prince have to be so gorgeous? He was incredibly annoying. Her brother Daniel is an aspiring knight in training struggling to make his own reputation while living in the shadow of his renowned brothers, Lionel and Gilbert. Her sister Ceridwyn is about to be given in marriage but not to the man of her choice. Her family are faithful to God and country and when conspiracies arise to oust the king who has been fighting in the crusades for nearly six years, the Godwyn’s rise to the cause of loyalty and faithfulness. The prodigal daughter suddenly returns home after being away for almost ten years along with a mysterious arrival in the night. Their lives will never be the same again.
Gwendolyn Godwyn is the youngest of the Godwyn clan, a medieval tomboy who loves horses and hounds and shooting from a crossbow. Her outright opinions about everything and her loyal cause to the animal kingdom get her in trouble from time to time. And why did that Welsh Prince have to be so gorgeous? He was incredibly annoying. Her brother Daniel is an aspiring knight in training struggling to make his own reputation while living in the shadow of his renowned brothers, Lionel and Gilbert. Her sister Ceridwyn is about to be given in marriage but not to the man of her choice. Her family are faithful to God and country and when conspiracies arise to oust the king who has been fighting in the crusades for nearly six years, the Godwyn’s rise to the cause of loyalty and faithfulness. The prodigal daughter suddenly returns home after being away for almost ten years along with a mysterious arrival in the night. Their lives will never be the same again.
- ASIN : B01K7C95S8
- 出版社 : Anna St George (2016/8/10)
- 発売日 : 2016/8/10
- 言語 : 英語
- ファイルサイズ : 2789 KB
- 同時に利用できる端末数 : 無制限
- Text-to-Speech(テキスト読み上げ機能) : 有効
- X-Ray : 有効にされていません
- Word Wise : 有効
- 本の長さ : 330ページ
- カスタマーレビュー:
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